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We are all volunteers, working at all aspects of a non-profit art organization. We will always value volunteers with fresh perspectives and high energy. We are looking for volunteers for everything from gallery sitting to grant writing, whatever you can lend to the soup.


  • Call for Communications Manager: This position would manage the contacts (email list in Google contacts), actively seeks out new contacts to add to list, send email communication to various segments of our contact list (thank yous to donors, news updates, etc), help write and send press releases, write copy as needed.

  • Call for Grant Writer and Fundraising: This position will research NPO grants, manage a list of applicable grant sources for 3D4D, write narratives and collect required materials to apply, attend grant related events, help write applications and follow up reporting.

Fill out the form below so we can learn more about your interests and how you'd like to help.    



3D4D is part of Chicago Sculpture International, a 501(c)(3) organization devoted to championing sculptors and the creation of sculpture. Join our community and help fund our mission to expand the understanding and appreciation of sculpture through exhibitions and educational programs. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

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